About the Journal

Journal title : Local Wisdom: Jurnal Ilmiah Kajian Kearifan Lokal (Local Wisdom Scientific Online Journal)
Initials : LW
Abbreviation : Local Wisdom  J. Ilm. Kaji. Kearifan Lokal
Frequency : 2 Issues every year (January and July)
DOI : Prefix 10.26905 by 
Print ISSN : 2086-3764
Online ISSN : 2615-4951
Editor-in-Chief : Respati Wikantiyoso
Managing Editor : Pindo Tutuko
Publisher : University of Merdeka Malang
Citation Analysis : Google Scholar; Garuda; Index Copernicus International (ICI); Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ); SINTA


Journal Summary :

LOCAL WISDOM is a scientific journal in Architecture and the City as a "bridge" between architecture and urban planning and design studies. This scientific journal focuses on research relating to the study of local wisdom. Local knowledge is a potential local characteristic based on a local culture that has been a tradition in public life. A form of local wisdom studies varied widely, ranging from a cultural value system and social system to the physical manifestation of culture in the form of local knowledge, local technologies, and the built environment's physical form. Studies of local wisdom are an effort to realize the harmony of the city environment and sustainability through the use and development of local knowledge and contextual and participatory approaches. The scope of the study will be published in an article relating to the study of architecture (space, shape, and arrangement), a special area of study, and the study of urban planning and design. Local Wisdom of Journal published by the Center for Local Wisdom Studies, Department of Architecture, University of Merdeka Malang. Several other changes in LOCAL WISDOM are also mentioned in the journal's history.


Certificate of Accreditation

sertifikat-lwsoj LOCAL WISDOM is a scientific journal in the field of Architecture and the City as a "bridge" between the disciplines of architecture and urban planning and design studies. This scientific journal focuses on research relating to the study of local wisdom. Nowadays, it has been nationally accredited by the Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education of Indonesia ranked 2 (SINTA 2) by the letter number 164/E/KPT/2021 on December 27th, 2021,  from Volume 13 Issue 1, 2021 to Volume 17 Issue 2, 2025. Read more about Certificate of Accreditation

Citedness in Scopus











