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July 2020
Vol. 12 No. 2 (2020)In this issue consisted of things that discussed local wisdom approaches from various fields, To’-oto’- The Local Wisdom of Madurese Ethnic Families and Perceptions; Jolotundo As an Attraction of Local Wisdom Based Ecotourism; Traditionally Catching and Processing of Laor in Moluccas Islands; Causal Factors of the Locality Disappearance of Kelayan’s Riverside Settlement in Banjarmasin; Typology and Morphology of Traditional House of Sumbersari Village Udanawu Blitar District; Architecture expression: Synthesized architectural expressions in Mayor’s office building of Kupang City; Typology of Fala Kanci House As a North Maluku Traditional House; and The Local Wisdom Study of Luan And Teben Concept on Balinese Ethnic Houses (Case Study: Balinese Ethnic Houses in Denpasar, Bali) -
January 2020
Vol. 12 No. 1 (2020)The issue at the beginning of 2020 consisted of things that discussed local wisdom approaches from various fields, including the Morphology of Hierarchy Limasan House Space in Kertosari Ponorogo; The Bamboo Greenhouse Technology For Hydroganic Plants with Independent Photovoltaic Energy in the Food Safety Program; Identification and Orientation on Spatial Arrangement of Wajo Traditional Village, Keo Tengah, Nagekeo Regency; Visual Character of Colonial Building Facade in Suroyo Street Corridor, Probolinggo City Indonesia; Community Assistance for Forest and Land Fire Prevention (Karhutla) in Gelebak Dalam Village, Banyuasin District, South Sumatra; Cultural Capital of a community to adapt in prone areas with floods, land subsidence and its Architectural representation. Case Study in Bandarharjo Semarang; and Local Wisdom-Based Stories in Conserving Water Resources. -
July 2019
Vol. 11 No. 2 (2019)In this issue discuss about the Typology and Morphology The Building in the Area of Gunung- Gunung Street Malang City; Typology of Bena traditional architecture, Flores; Typology of fasade building in kayu tangan street corridor, Malang City; Architectural style of riverside settlements in Banjarmasin city; Revitalization Concept Patirtan Sites as a Sustainable Spiritual Tourism in Malang, East Java; and Visual Elements Influence at the Facade of Historical Buildings in Jalan Panglima Sudirman Corridor Batu, Indonesia
January 2019
Vol. 11 No. 1 (2019)In the issue at the beginning of 2019, it discussed the Assessment of Community Perceptions of Historical Buildings in the Kayutangan Corridor, Malang, Indonesia; Percentage of Green Open Space in the Revitalization Implementation of Malang City Park; The Local Wisdom on Sasak Tribe Sade Hamlet Central Lombok Regency; Environmental Characteristics of Fishermen's Settlements as a Form of Local Wisdom of Coastal Communities in Karangsari Village, Tuban; Local Wisdom on Town Square of Ponorogo. -
Juli 2018
Vol. 10 No. 2 (2018)In this issue several things are discussed about the Causes of Morphological Change in Ngadas Village, Poncokusumo, Malang Regency; Regional Morphology and Typology of the Traditional Houses of Mahmud Village, Bandung Regency; Typology and Morphology of the Facade of Traditional Houses in Ciptagelar Village; Typology of Doors and Windows in Facades of Houses in Kampung Biru Arema, Kiduldalem Village; Ecological Study in Planning Homes to Stay in Nganjuk. -
Januari 2018
Vol. 10 No. 1 (2018)In this issue, the development of Local Wisdom-Based Apple Agro Tourism in Poncokusumo is discussed; Implementation of local wisdom in the strategy of Tourism Development for Sendang Biru Beach for Sempu Island Conservation; Punden as the Center for Social and Cultural Life of the Community of Klepek Village, Kediri Regency; The Meaning of Space As an Aspect of Preservation of Resource Sites; Architecture of Soko Wolu Traditional House in Dusun Cemorosewu - Magetan -
Juli 2017
Vol. 9 No. 2 (2017)In this issue a number of things are discussed about Life Philosophy as a Form of Local Wisdom of the Kasepuhan Sinar Resmi Indigenous People; "RUMAH LANTING" Vernacular Architecture of the Banjar Tribe That Begins to Extinct; Effect of Local Culture Wisdom on Tempe Craftsmen Community Shelter in Sanan Malang Village.
Januari 2017
Vol. 9 No. 1 (2017)In this issue a number of articles discuss about Local Community Wisdom of Handicraft Tourism Village in Rejoso Hamlet, Batu City; Bobeto A Local Wisdom Value Forms Ritual Space between Man and Nature in Kalaodi - Tidore; Study of Spatial Systems in the Form of Bajo Tribe House in Wuring Village of Maumere City; Typomorphology of the Settlement of the Martapura River in Banjarmasin City; Region and Settlement Tipo-morphology Oro-oro Ombo Village Batu City; Typology of Tempe Craftsman Facade Corridor Jalan Sanan Malang; Tipomorphology of Kasepuhan Sinar Resmi Settlement, Sukabumi Regency.
July 2011
Vol. 3 No. 2 (2011)Pada isu ini membahas tentang Aplikasi langgam arsitektur melayu sebagai identitas kawasan menuju kota berkelanjutanfaktor-faktor pembentuk identitas suatu tempat.
February 2011
Vol. 3 No. 1 (2011)Jurnal Online Local Wisdom, telah memasuki tahun ketiga yang terbit untuk keenam kalinya. Periode penerbitan setiap dua bulan memerlukan energi yang cukup besar dalam mengumpulkan artikel yang konsisten dalam ranah kajian kearifan lokal. Tertib terbit yang tepat waktu menjadi komitmen yang akan terus secara konsisten dijalankan. Untuk edisi keenam ini redaksi mengucapkan terimakasih pada para kontributor yang membahas tema sentral lingkungan permukiman. Kehadiran Edisi keenam ini dapat menjadi memperkaya wacana atau kajian kearifan lokal.