MENGOPTIMALKAN PERAN RADIO KOMUNITAS SEBAGAI RUANG PUBLIK & MEDIA INTERAKSI KOMUNIKASI LINTAS PEMANGKU KEPENTINGAN (Studi pada Radio Komunitas Denta FM Sumbermanjing Kulon Kecamatan Pagak dan RadioJaya FM Mendalan Wangi Kecamatan Wagir Kabupaten Malang)


  • Eko Agus Susilo Universitas Merdeka Malang



Community Radio, Public Sphere, Participation, Radio Program Broadcasting Development Skills, Community Empowerment



Unlikethe private  radio whoseprimary interests  is reaping  economic profitatthe  expense of orginalizing other social benefit, community radio is the one that is owned, managed by, from and for thecommunity’swellbeing. It isalocal,low-power broadcasting specifically designed for serving the entire interest of community members. Itputs audiences’ cultural identity development at it stoppriority. Unfortunately, thisi deal never materialize due to its poor human resources quality in managing the radio station and producing on-air radio program as well as its broadcaster ’sinadequate announcing skills especially with regard to broadcasting code of conduct. To makething even worst, its on-air program broadcast operates exclusively for the owner’s interest and meeting its restricted fansclub members. As such, its daily on-air radio content program does not take the people’s interest into consideration.It does not involve its other stakeholders such as village government apparatus, prominent leaders, and its faithfull isteners inboth radio management as well as radio program broadcasting development. To help solve the problem, this Ibm  project  have designed as aseries of capacity building methods by mean so inclass training as well as on the job clinic coaching for community radio staffs and practicing ads production at Communication Department Laboratory. The training  module coverson-airradio  broadcasting  codeof conduct, announcing skills, spot advertising and radio program production. To facilitate their capacities building, the project has granted aset of technical devices such as digital voice recorder and station transmitter link. Like wise,it trained radio community stakeholders on matters such as the definition, regulation of community radio along with ideal organizational structure which was solely aimed at having  them participatein  operating  radio management. There search  found  that after capacity building intervention activities, the radio personnel program broadcasting skills has improved significantly. Similarly, the  stakeholders’ skills  have  also increased. Seeing from this, radio community canoperate as villagers public sphere; anarena for deliberating on matters on common concerns and then reachinga consensus of  the problem for their sole  future betterment.

Keywords: Community  Radio,   Public   Sphere,   Participation,  Radio   Program Broadcasting Development Skills,Community Empowerment


Author Biography

Eko Agus Susilo, Universitas Merdeka Malang

Dosen Universitas Merdeka Malang





