Determinan Efisiensi Bank: Analisis Bank Di Indonesia
Capital structure, Firm Size, Pecking Order Theory, Profitabity, Sale GrowthAbstract
This research analyzes the factors influencing bank efficiency. Bank efficiency is measured by BOPO. Predictable variable use risk, which is proxied with non-performance loan (NPL), bank size, and CAR. Population in research is in the national banking industry which goes public in BEI, research period 2009-2016. Sampling technique used purposive sampling, with the criterion of the bank has gone public before the year 2008 and the bank publishes financial report year 2009-2016. The sample of research is 23 banks. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of bank risk, bank size and CAR to efficiency either simultaneously or partially. The analytical technique used multiple linear regression. The results showed simultaneously bank risk, bank size and CAR effect on efficiency. Risks, bank size and CAR affect the efficiency in a negative direction. The scale of economics does not apply in the industry of national banks. Increasing the CAR as a countercyclical capital buffer (CCB) to control the occurrence of systematic risk can reduce credit growth, can impact the decrease in bank income.
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