Integration of Information System Success Models to Explain End User Satisfaction of Debtor Information Systems
Information System Quality, Information Quality, Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Ease Of Use, End User SatisfactionAbstract
Acceptance Models by Davis (1988). This study integrates the information system quality variable, information quality variable, and end-user satisfaction variable from Information System Success. The population in this study were all employees user SID of the financial institution, the samples were 166 employees of finance institution. The sampling technique was nonprobability sampling with purposive sampling. The type of data was primary data by the method of questionnaire data collection. This research uses Structural Equation Model to analysis the method and analysis tool used was PLS. The results of this study show that information system quality significantly affects the perceived usefulness, information system quality significantly affects the perceived ease of use, information quality significantly affects the perceived usefulness, information quality significantly affects the perceived ease of use, information quality significantly affects the end-user satisfaction, perceived ease of use significantly affects the perceived usefulness, perceived usefulness significant affects the end-user satisfaction, and perceived ease of use significantly affects the end-user satisfaction. But, the examine the information quality didn’t significantly affect end-user satisfaction.
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