Corporate Tax Aggressiveness And Value of Listed Industrial Goods Firms in Nigeria


  • Abdulazeez Adeiza Daniya Federal University of Technology, Minna, Niger State-Nigeria
  • Kabiru Isa Dandago Bayero University, Kano-Nigeria
  • Muhammad Liman Muhammad Bayero University, Kano-Nigeria


Book tax difference, Effective tax rate, Firm value, Leverage, and Tax aggressiveness


The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of corporate tax aggressiveness on the firm value of listed industrial goods. Both Long-Run Cash Effective Tax Rate (LRCETR) and Book-Tax Difference (BTD) were used as surrogates for tax aggressiveness while, market value of equity (MVE) was used to measure value. Correlational research design was employed while the quantitative data from the annual reports and accounts of the firms were analyzed using fixed effect regression. The results from the study revealed that a reduction in the proportion of the firms’ income paid as tax as well as increase in the book-tax gap, significantly improve the value of the firms.  Also, it was found that an increase in the size of leverage significantly reduced the value of the studied firms. It is recommended among others that the firms should continue to increase the book-tax gap through, transfer payment, tax credit and investment in R&D to continue to significantly improve value. 


Author Biographies

Abdulazeez Adeiza Daniya, Federal University of Technology, Minna, Niger State-Nigeria

background in accounting with B.Sc, MSc, PhD all in accounting and an MBA in finance and investment

Lecturer 1 in the department of entrepreneurship and business studies, federal university of technology, minna-nigeria

Kabiru Isa Dandago, Bayero University, Kano-Nigeria

Professor of Accounting, Department of Accounting, Bayero University, Kano-Nigeria

former professor of accounting and finance, university of utara, malaysia

Muhammad Liman Muhammad, Bayero University, Kano-Nigeria

Professor of Accounting, Department of Accounting, Bayero University Kano-Nigeria


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