Hak dan Kedudukan Harta Waris bagi Anak Angkat (Studi Kasus No. 71/PDT.G/2011/PN.PL.R)

Diva Darda Davita, Dewi Astutty Mochtar


The purpose of marriage according to Article 1 of Law Number 1 of 1974 is to create
a happy family and to have children. However, there are some married couples who
are not blessed with children due to several factors. This is the background of the
research entitled Rights and Status of Inheritance for Adopted Children. The problem
is discussing how the rights and position of inheritance for adopted children and how
the distribution of inheritance for adopted children. The method used is normative
juridical, namely research that is produced from library materials that have been
studied, both sources obtained from books, journals, laws and regulations concerned
with the discussion of the issues raised. The results of this study are that adopted
children have the same rights and position as legitimate children in certain matters,
but in terms of inheritance, adopted children have 1/3 rights in the form of grants. In
addition to grants, adopted children can get assets left by the heir, if the heir has made a will before he dies.


Adopted Child, Inheritance, Status

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.26905/blj.v3i2.8913


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