The Influence of Marketing Mix 7Ps, Health Consciousness and Social Media on Consumer Purchase Intention at HEYTEA Physical Stores


  • Wenwen Li Institute of Science Innovation and Culture, Rajamangala University of Technology Krungthep, Bangkok
  • Surachai Traiwannakij Institute of Science Innovation and Culture, Rajamangala University of Technology Krungthep, Bangkok
  • Kowin Viwathpongpan Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University, Bangkok



Health Consciousness, Social Media, Marketing Mix7Ps, Purchase Intention, HEYTEA


In recent years, the Chinese-style modern tea shop business has prevailed in China, and its secret of success, especially in consumer behavior and business innovation, deserves further study. Nowadays, two prevailing societal trends may affect the modern Chinese tea shop business, including social media and health consciousness. The research domain is HEYTEA, the No.1 brand within its field and famous for its marketing strategies and innovation. This study aims to analyze the impact of identified factors on consumer purchase intention at HEYTEA physical stores, focusing on the influence of marketing mix 7Ps, health consciousness, and social media. Self-completion online questionnaires were distributed to those who live in the 12 selected cities of China. Data obtained are analyzed using advanced and modern statistical programs focusing on descriptive and inferential statistics. The findings indicate that differences in Gender and Age generate differences in Consumer Purchase Intention, and differences in age and living in a city generate differences in Purchase Intention, with evidence by Two-Way ANOVA. Differences in Gender, Age, and Net Income per Month generate differences in Consumer Purchase Intention with evidence by Three-Way ANOVA. The Multiple Semi Log-Linear Regression Analysis found that all aspects of Marketing Mix 7Ps, Health Consciousness, and Social Media influence consumer purchase intention towards HEYTEA’s drinks at its physical stores. This study provides practical implications for HEYTEA brand management and modern Chinese-style tea shop management.

Author Biographies

Wenwen Li, Institute of Science Innovation and Culture, Rajamangala University of Technology Krungthep, Bangkok


Surachai Traiwannakij, Institute of Science Innovation and Culture, Rajamangala University of Technology Krungthep, Bangkok


Kowin Viwathpongpan, Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University, Bangkok



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