Discriminant Analysis of E-Marketing Mix in Online Purchasing Decision and its Implication for Millenials Students Education


  • Metta Padmalia Universitas Ciputra




Discriminant Analysis, E-Marketing Mix, , Millenial Generation, Online Purchasing Decisions


The study aims to analyze the variables of e-marketing mix (product, price, place, promotion, personalization, privacy, customer service, community, site, and sales promotion) that can differentiate consumer purchasing decisions from generation millenial and non-millenial. This study is expected to provide an understanding of digital consumer buying behavior related to the generation of millenials students. The study population are all the people who have made a purchase online, while samples are selected based on purposive random sampling as 200 respondents. The data analysis uses a discriminant analysis  IBM SPSS Statistics program 22. The test results prove that the discriminant variable sites and communities are able to discriminate against cross-generational purchase decisions.



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