The Management of Household Waste Based on Waste Bank to Increase Community Income in Surakarta City
Creative Waste Products, Community Income. Household Waste, Waste Bank, Management,Abstract
This research is conducted to understand and analyze the management of household waste based on waste bank to increase community income in Surakarta city. A case study used with a purposive sampling of the Rejeki Lancar waste bank, which is a productive waste bank and is able to produce creative products from household waste recycling. The results show that the management of household waste that could increase community income began with the stages of establishing a waste bank, socializing the waste bank, technical training in waste management, implementing a waste bank system, and marketing creative products. The mechanism of the waste bank system itself consists of sorting waste, depositing waste, weighing waste, recording, and transporting waste. Constraints encountered are the lack of integration of the role of the government and the private sector in household waste management based on waste bank in terms of socialization, technical training, facilities and infrastructures of the waste bank, and marketing of creative waste recycling products. Therefore, government and private sector intervention is needed to support the running of household waste management based on waste bank and to increase the economic value of waste management in the community.
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