Enhancing data accuracy with design of a web-based citizen data management application for neighborhood/residential unit
Application, Digitalization, neighborhoods/residential units (RT/RW), Web-based citizen dataAbstract
Citizen data is critical in making appropriate decisions by neighborhoods/residential units (RT/RW) and sub-districts. Therefore, citizen data must have a high level of validity. In Tiban Lama Sub-district, Batam City, at the RT/RW level, citizen data management is still done manually, so problems often occur such as inaccurate data, delays in updating data, limited data access, difficulties in analysis, and difficulties in data coordination, decision-making errors in determining social assistance recipients, and obstacles in data management at Integrated Service Centers (Posyandu). To overcome this problem, a web-based citizen data management application is needed, where residents can upload the required data through the application by attaching supporting documents and the data will be verified by the RT/RW. This application can help villages and RT/RW manage citizen data and make the right decisions for their citizens. Based on the implementation of the activity, a positive response was obtained from the Head of Tiban Lama Village and the RT/RW level of Tiban Lama regarding the use of web-based applications.
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