Enhancing diabetes management: Nurse-Led coaching at PROLANIS Diabetes Club
Diabetes mellitus, Health coaching, Knowledge, Quality of lifeAbstract
The global prevalence of Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is escalating, with projections indicating a continued upward trend. Indonesia, particularly in South Sulawesi, has also experienced a rise in DM prevalence over recent years. Comprehensive strategies for ineffective management are crucial to reduce the impact of DM. This community engagement took place at Bajeng Community Health Center in South Sulawesi from October to November 2023, involving 58 diabetic patients and 10 nurses in the Prolanis club. Activities included mini-lectures, active learning, and demonstrations, starting with coaching training for nurses by an international coach. Subsequent activities involved nurses conducting coaching sessions with patients, accompanied by the community engagement team. Statistical tests on knowledge and quality of life before and after coaching showed a significant improvement in both variables (p < 0.0001). Coaching interventions by trained nurses demonstrated a positive impact on the knowledge and quality of life of diabetic patients. The results of this activity provide a strong foundation to consider integrating coaching as an integral part of diabetes management strategies to enhance the health and well-being outcomes for patients.
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