Pengawetan dan Pemberian Nilai Tambah Produk Jamur Tiram Putih Menjadi Sate dan Bakso Jamur
Mushroom meatballs, Mushroom satay, Preservation, Value added, White oyster mushroomsAbstract
The unsolved problem of mushroom farmers in Blayu village is post-harvest handling and adding value to mushroom fruit bodies, if the harvest is high, many farmers experience losses because they cannot store more than 7 days. The service was carried out in Blayu village, Wajak, Malang Regency, divided into six stages: (1). Program socialization to farmer groups; (2). Post-harvest technology extension; (3). Training and mentoring of mushroom fruit preservation technology, (4). Training and assistance in making mushroom-based fast food, (5) Procurement of infrastructure, (6) Monitoring, evaluation and reporting. The results of the service program can be concluded: 1). The mushroom farmers in the Guyub Makmur farmer group have mastered the technology of preserving white oyster mushrooms, reaching 90%; 2). Preservatives and ingredients and accessories, storage tools, tools for making mushroom meatballs and mushroom satay are available; 3). 100% of farmer groups can make satay and mushroom meatballs and start a business selling mushroom meatballs, the income of farmer groups increases between 55% - 65% compared to before; 4). An IPR has been produced entitled "Mushroom Storage Model and Postharvest Management with the recording number from the Director General of IPR 000187424".
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