Application of 3D printer production techniques for face shield design as a method of preventing COVID-19 transmission in the community
Covid-19, Face shield, Method, Production, 3D PrinterAbstract
Coronavirus Disease 19 or known as COVID-19 is a virus that attacks a person's breathing. And it is believed that it spreads through human-to-human interactions through saliva splashes. Until now, there is no medicine that can cure it. So that various parties related to health are only able to apply limits related to activities and interactions between humans. Therefore, at this time to tackle it only in the form of prevention. Face shield is one form of preventing the spread of COVID-19 which can be a new reference at this time. 3D printers are known as production tools that can be used as tools that can be presented at home, because of their small size, 3D printers can also be maximized as a tool to create objects. The use of the face shield production introduction method in the form of a webinar is an option for the public to find out methods that can be carried out in productive activities to suppress the spread of COVID-19. Besides having an online system in providing knowledge to produce face shields, it directly contributes significantly to producing something during the current pandemic, especially face shields that have use values.
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