Implementation of Group Technology in The Manufacturing Process of Disk Mill Machine

David Ross, Darto Darto, Agus Iswantoko, Pradhana Kurniawan


The disk mill machine is a size reducing machine that functions to reduce material. Disk mill machines are often used to process food ingredients such as coffee. Seeing this potential encourages manufacturers to mass produce disk mill machines. The manufacturing system that can be applied in this case is Group Technology. Group Technology is a concept that identifies similarities in components in terms of shape and production process. The aim of implementing Group Technology on disk mill machines is to obtain part families using the classification & coding method. The part family is used to obtain Part Numbering which can show the sequence of component machining processes so that you can compile a process sheet and find out the time needed to produce a disk mill machine. The results of this research obtained 5 part families and part numbering for each component. Part numbering also shows the sequence of machining processes for the 35 components made and the cycle time calculation results show an estimate of the time needed to make a disk mill machine of 10.46 hours.


Group Technology; Manufacture; Disk Mill

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