Respon Jangka Pendek Pasar Saham Indonesia terhadap Wabah Pandemi Covid-19


  • Kristiana Oktavia Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana
  • Robiyanto Robiyanto Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana
  • Harijono Harijono Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana



Abnormal return, Covid-19, Event study, Lq45, and Stock market


The Indonesian stock market's response to the pandemic Covid-19 outbreak uses the event study method with abnormal return technical tools. This study aims to determine the stock market response to Covid-19, namely responding significantly negative and not because many stocks in other countries were affected by Covid-19. This event study method had carried out observations from 12 days before the announcement to 30 days after the announcement of Covid-19. The results of the data show that the data has no significant effect before and after the announcement by t-statistical analysis. In the significance test with daily observation data, the average abnormal return has no significant effect  before the announcement. Then, after the announcement, the average normal return on the 5th, 8th, 15th, 17th and 26th day responded significantly negative, although not entirely. The results of this study indicate that the response of the Indonesian stock market is significantly negative due to the Covid-19 outbreak


Author Biography

Robiyanto Robiyanto, Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana

Biographical Notes:

Dr. Robiyanto earned his Master of Management in Finance (2000) and Ph.D. in Finance (2015) from the Faculty of Economics and Business Diponegoro University (FEB UNDIP), Semarang, Indonesia. His first degree in Management (1998) was earned from the Faculty of Economics and Business Satya Wacana Christian University (FEB UKSW), Salatiga, Indonesia. Holds an Investment Manager Representative license from the Indonesia Financial Services Authority (previously Indonesian Capital Market and Financial Institution Supervisory Agency). He is a senior lecturer at the Faculty of Economics and Business, Satya Wacana Christian University, Salatiga, Indonesia. Active as an academic researcher. He has written articles published in both international and national journals such as Gadjah Mada International Journal of Business; Journal of Finance and Banking; Journal of Economics and Business; Journal of Economics, Business, & Accountancy Ventura; Journal of Management and Entrepreneurship; etc. His research has been presented in several conferences such as Gadjah Mada International Conference on Economics and Business in Yogyakarta, Indonesia; the Indonesian Financial Management Association (IFMA)’s International Conference; the Indonesia Finance Association’s International Conference; etc. He also serves as a capital market specialist for the public company in Indonesia. His research interests are the capital market, commodity market, market efficiency, behavioral finance, corporate governance, and portfolio management.


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How to Cite

Oktavia, K., Robiyanto, R., & Harijono, H. (2022). Respon Jangka Pendek Pasar Saham Indonesia terhadap Wabah Pandemi Covid-19. AFRE (Accounting and Financial Review), 5(2), 159–167.




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