Early Detection of The Role of Individual Attitudes in Intention Investment: Lessons from Semarang’s Millennial Generation
Individual attitude, Intention in-vestment, Perceived ease, and Perceived usefulnessAbstract
The research aims to test empirically: 1) effect of perceived usefulness of technology use, perceived ease of use technology and individual attitude towards intention investment in the people of Semarang. 2) effect of perceived usefulness of technology use and perceived ease of use technology on individual attitude in the people of Semarang. 3) effect of perceived usefulness of technology use and perceived ease of use technology on intention investment in the people of Semarang with the individual attitude as an intervening variable. The object of research is the millennial generation in the people of Semarang. In this study, the determination of the sample using the Slovin formula, a number of 123 respondents who have knowledge about investment and utilize technology to search investment information. This study uses Path Analysis techniques. The results of testing and calculation of the data show that the perceived usefulness of technology use effects individual attitude but does not effect intention investment of the people of Semarang. The results of hypothesis testing prove that the perceived ease of use technology does not effect on individual attitudes and intention investment in the people Semarang. The results of hypothesis testing prove that individual attitude have an effect on intention investment in the people Semarang. The results of hypothesis testing prove that individual attitude can mediate the perceived usefulness of technology use on intenion investment, but individual attitude are not able to mediate perceived ease of use technology on intenion investment of the people Semarang.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.26905/afr.v6i2.9792
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