Female Board Terhadap Social Disclosures dengan Manajemen Laba sebagai Pemoderasi
Female board, Social disclosures, Earnings management.Abstract
This study aims to find empirical evidence of the impact of the female board on social disclosures and suspect earnings management moderates the causal relationship between the two. The sample for this research is 98 financial sector companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange for the 2018-2021 period with a total of 389 observations. Female board is measured by the percentage of female directors and commissioners in the company. Social disclosures use 52 GRI indicators which consist of 40 general indicators and 12 indicators of sector specific aspects and are measured with a weight between 0-2. Earnings management as a moderating variable by managing abnormal cash flow from operating activities, abnormal discretionary expenses, and allowance for impairment losses. Hypothesis testing uses panel data regression analysis techniques. The results of the study prove that the more female boards in a company, the lower the social disclosures, especially aspects of labor practices and decent work, human rights, and product responsibility. Earnings management was found not to moderate the effect of the female board on social disclosures but there are indications of weakening the causal relationship between the two. The practice of earnings management by managing the allowance for impairment losses partially increases social disclosures, especially aspects of product responsibility.
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