Author Guidelines
Instructions for Authors
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Article Submission
Articles are sent via two steps. The first step is to upload the article to the Online Journal System (OJS), which requires registration to create an account first. The second step is to send the article to email [email protected] for verification.
Article Writing Guidelines
Articles submitted must have been adjusted to the Business and Management Journal template which can be downloaded at the link above.
General Writing Style
Manuscripts for the Journal of Business and Management can be in the form of theoretical studies and applications, research results, conceptual ideas, literature reviews, new book reviews, bibliographies, and practical writings related to Business Administration. Manuscripts can be written in Indonesian or English with essay format, accompanied by a sub-chapter title (heading) for each section, except for the section: Introduction which is presented without a sub-chapter title. The writing follows a narrative style, minimizing the use of tables, figures, and mathematical equations.
Article Systematics
The systematics of the manuscript consists of: title, author's name (without title), full address of the author where the results of this research were conducted, correspondence and email addresses , abstracts, key words, introduction / research background, methods, results, discussion, conclusions, suggestions, and bibliography . The following are instructions for each section of the script and other things that need to be followed in script writing.
The maximum title consists of 14 words.
Author data
Contains the full name of the author without title and without abbreviations, name of the author's affiliation institution and full address (including postal code), and the author's correspondence address (e-mail).
Written in English and Indonesian (only in English if the article is in English) with a maximum number of words of 200 words and only consisting of 1 paragraph. Abstracts for research papers contain: research objectives, methods used (including research objects / respondents), important findings, and conclusions. Abstract for study / conceptual article contains: a short comprehensive summary of the article content complete with summarized ideas.
Written in English and Indonesian with 3-6 words in terms of phrases. Keywords contain words or phrases that are often used in the text and are considered to represent and / or relate to the topic being discussed. Included right after the abstract
Research Background
The introduction contains an introduction to the substance of the article in accordance with its topic and purpose, especially both theoretical and empirical reasons behind the script writing activity. Presenting theoretical concepts, thoughts, and previous research findings, is useful as material for comparison and at the same time strengthening, enriching and sharpening the discussion, analysis and interpretations. The presentation must coexist chronologically. The logical link between the first paragraph and what follows must be clear.
Research Method
Methods are theoretical information and sufficient techniques for researchers to be able to produce research well, especially it is important to present the type of research, population and sample, data used (types and sources), data collection techniques, data analysis techniques, data analysis models). Just 1-2 paragraphs without having to provide a definition.
Results are presented in a systemized manner. The narrative in the results contains information that is extracted from the data, not narrating the data as is. Clarify the narrative with illustrations (tables, pictures, etc.). Illustrations must be referred to in the text, which is presented with processed data, not raw data (analysis results).
The discussion suggests an interpretation of the results, in order to answer the research objectives and hypotheses (if any). The order of discussion is the same as the order in which the data is presented. There is the development of arguments by linking results, theories, and opinions, including comparison of previous research results. Also point out the possibility of the contribution of research results for the development of science.
Conclusions interpret the results and discussion of research in a more comprehensive manner.
Suggestions are intended for practical action (the agency / company studied), for the development of new theories, and for further research.
In-text citations are made in the format of the name and year, such as: Weston and Copeland (2002) for the beginning of the sentence, and (Wiyani, 2010) for the end of the sentence. if there are more than two authors etal is used. after the first author's name, such as: Engel, et al. (1994). For multiple references, the citation is based on the chronology of the year or alphabetical order if the same year exists. Example: (Trisetyawan, 2006; Wibowo, 2006) or (Assauri, 1992, Engel, et al, 1994, Alma, 2004).
Bibliography / References
Bibliography is compiled by following the APA Style procedure as shown in the following example:
Kotler, Philip. 1997. Principles of Marketing. Prehalindo. Jakarta.
Bank Indonesia. 2000. "Information Regarding Bank Indonesia Regulations for Commercial Banks Based on Sharia Principles".
Choudhury, M. A. 2007. Philosophyof Islamic fmancial Engineering: Evaiuationary Equiiibrium in Leraning Spaces of unity of Knowlcdge. International Seminar and Workshop on Islamic Financial Engineering. (Tidak Dipublikasikan). Post Graduate Program of Facuky of Economics Islamic University of Indonesia. Yogyakarta.
Hasbullah, Y. 2004. Principles of Credit Risk Management in Banking in the Context of Good Corporate Governance. Indonesian Entrepreneur Magazine, No. 12, Th.XXXIII December: 28-31.
Lusch, Robert F, & Patrick Dunne. 1990. Retail Managemnet. South-westem Publishing Cocincinnati, Ohio.
Nurkhin, A. 2009. Corpcjrate Govemance and Profitability; The Impact on Disclosure of Corporate Social Responsibility (Empirical Study of Companies Listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange). Thesis. (Not Published). Master of Accountants Study Program, Postgraduate Program, Faculty of Economics, Diponegoro University.
Rachmawati. 2005. Over Market Reaction to Stock Prices. Proceedings, National Accounting Symposium VIII.
Rojas, L., & Suares. 2010. The International Financial Crisis: Eight Lessons for and from Latin America. Working Paper 02. January. Center for Global Development.
Wani Fitriah 1 , Susi Epa 1 Public Perception of the Services of Bank Syariah Mandiri Palembang, (accessed 31 October 2012)
Wibowo, Pakereng. 2006. The Effect of Merger and Acquisition Announcement on Stock Return of Acquisitor Companies in the Same Industrial Sector in the Jakarta Stock Exchange. Journal of Indonesian Business Economics. Vol 16, No. 4,2001,375-387.
Illustration (Tables and Figures)
Illustrations both in the form of tables and figures (if any) are included in accordance with the writing needs and given sufficient explanation, and typed in a format that can be edited by the Editor Team.