Review Guidelines


  1. Give mark on the wrong part or part that need to be changed
  2. Give mark on the right side of the wrong line or line that need to be changed


  1. Title: Effectiveness, Specification, and clarity
  2. Abstract: Complete and describe the essence  of an article
  3. Keywords: Describing the essential concept of an article
  4. Introduction: Up-to-date, originality, the relevance of the Topic, compatibility of the important reason of the research object
  5. Research Method: Has to emphasize on procedure and data analysis for an empiric study
  6. Result: Analysis accurateness
  7. Findings: Up-to-date finding, relevance to the interrelated researchers, and the scientific contribution effect of finding /idea to the development of science
  8. Conclusion: Logical, valid, brief, and clear
  9. Suggestion: For practical action, development of new theory, and next/advanced research, Picture/Table: Center located, Not cut, Good quality to viewed, Picture/table title, Referred with a capital letter
  10. Bibliography: The degree of up-to-date and the reference to primary book sources. Rules: minimum 80% of the journals or the interrelated scientific researchers, above 2007 (year); the number of book sources minimum 10; minimum 80% in the text/material of art.

Full Review Process of Manuscript

  1. Writing: Is the manuscript easy to follow, that is, has a logical progression and evident organization?
  2. Is the manuscript concise and understandable? Any parts that should be reduced,
  3. Eliminated/expanded/added?
  4. Note if there are major problems with mechanics: grammar, punctuation, spelling. (If there are just a few places that aren’t worded well or correctly, make a note to tell the author the specific places. If there are consistent problems throughout, only select an example or two if need be- don’t try and edit the whole thing).
  5. Abbreviations: Used judiciously and are composed such that reader won’t have trouble remembering what an abbreviation represents.
  6. Follows style, format and other rules of the journal.
  7. Citations are provided when providing evidence-based information from outside sources.

Categories Decision

  • Publish   : No Need Revision
  • Minor     : Revision can be done by Editor-In-Chief or those who help
  • Major     : Revision can only be done by author
  • Rejected : Unproperly scientific or too many