Tourist Loyalty Based on Destination Image, Tourist Motivation and Tourist Satisfaction
Destination Image, Satisfaction, Loyalty, and MotivationAbstract
This study aims to analyze the relationship between destination image, motivation, tourist satisfaction, and tourist loyalty. Data was collected by questionnaire with a sample of 118 tourists who had visited Seribu Batu Songgo Langit tourist destination at least twice with the age of 15-39 years old. SEM analysis is used to test the hypotheses in the proposed conceptual model. Destination Image has a significant influence on Tourist Satisfaction and Tourist Loyalty; Tourist Motivation has a significant influence on Tourist Satisfaction and Tourist Loyalty; Tourist Satisfaction has a significant influence on Tourist Loyalty; Destination Image influence Tourist Loyalty through Tourist Satisfaction; Tourist Motivation influence Tourist Loyalty through Tourist Satisfaction. This study can be useful in the field of tourism/in the area of tourism, both natural and artificial tourism. Novelty/Originality of this study: The results of this study were explored using brand equity theoryReferences
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