District clustering in Malang City based on natural disaster vulnerability: basic polity formulation in disaster management


  • Aminkun Imam Rafii Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Islam Malang




Clustering, Disaster Management, Vulnerability


The primary objective of this study is to assess the vulnerability to natural disasters in various sub-districts within Malang City, utilizing secondary data from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS). Additionally, it seeks to recognize and analyze distinct vulnerability patterns within each sub-district and establish a more effective disaster management policy framework tailored to the specific vulnerability characteristics of each sub-district cluster. The research employed cluster analysis to categorize sub-districts with comparable vulnerability characteristics. As a result, two distinct clusters emerged: Cluster 1 comprising the Sukun and Blimbing sub-districts, characterized by a higher vulnerability rate, and Cluster 2 encompassing the Kedungkandang, Klojen, and Lowokwaru sub-districts, which exhibit a lower vulnerability rate. This shows a significant difference in vulnerability to natural disasters between sub-districts in Malang City. This research approach is expected to provide a deeper understanding of disaster vulnerability in each sub-district to help formulate more effective disaster management policies on the characteristics of vulnerability in each sub-district cluster. 

Author Biography

Aminkun Imam Rafii, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Islam Malang

Faculty of Economics and Business University of Islam Malang


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How to Cite

Rafii, A. I. (2024). District clustering in Malang City based on natural disaster vulnerability: basic polity formulation in disaster management. Publisia: Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi Publik, 9(1), 106–114. https://doi.org/10.26905/pjiap.v9i1.11951



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