Implementation of core values in the context of performance: a Makassar City Government study

tintin sri murtinah, bambang giyanto, arifiani widjayanti


The core values of having AKHLAK and employer branding from being proud serving the people are built by the government in managing a world class government. All ASNs (Indonesian Government Employees) have been imbued with these values. The current research is conducted through a focus group discussion with Makassar City Government officials, documentation, and Grindel's concepts of policy implementation. The findings show: 1) Implementing the core values AKHLAK is influenced by Menpan RB Circular Letter No. 20 of 2021; 2) There are benefits of raising the level of discipline and public service to the community through AKHLAK's core values; 3) Promoting the core values of morality has been successful in changing the behaviour of government employees in the Makassar City; 4) Makassar City Municipality support implementing the morality core principles; 5) The implementation of BerAKHLAK is supported by policies; 6) The Makassar City’s BerAKHLAK is supported by both institutions and infrastructure; 7) BerAKHLAK received support and commitment from the Makassar City Government officials; 8) The level of compliance of the state civil apparatus of the Makassar City Government in implementing BerAKHLAK is quite successful; and 9) The level of achievement of this implementation is sufficient.


core values; AKHLAK; Makassar City Government; Grindel’s concepts


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