Reflections of agile governance in public services in the digital age

Luh Putu Regita Septa Dewi, Ida Bagus Raka Suardana


The Covid-19 pandemic has prohibited us a lot in terms of bureaucratic gover-nance where the bureaucracy must remain at the forefront in providing publicservices, such as optimization of ICT. The transformation of public services ine-government is directed at the implementation of flexible governance, so inthis era of disruption, agile governance is needed and is a necessity in facing acrisis of existence for a country. This study aims to analyze how prepared theDisdikpora Bali Province is for Agile governance by upgrading public servicequality, and services transformation and analyzing the obstacles or challengesthat occur. Research using a qualitative-descriptive and inductive approach.Data was obtained using in-depth interviews and then analyzed using trian-gulation. Results show the level of readiness of the Bali Province Disdikporain realizing Agile governance in upgrading public service quality during theDigital Age can be said to be quite ready. The transformation of services fromconventional to digitalization has been implemented and Bali ProvinceDisdikpora can respond and make adjustments to the changes that occur. Thetransformations carried out include the implementation of e-kepegawaian, e-aset, and e-DUPAK services. The lack of human capability in using ICT, inad-equate infrastructure, and unstable internet connections are challenges in re-alizing Agile Governance.


Agile governance, Digital age, Public services

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