Table of Contents
Natural Science and Technology
Analysis of the influence of macro and micro economic factors on stock investment risk (Study on cigarette companies listed in LQ-45)
DOI : 10.26905/jp.v17i2.6998
Setia Budi Kurniawan, Diah Hermawan
Women workers in the household clothing industry and their contribution to household income in Sukun Malang Regency
DOI : 10.26905/jp.v17i2.6999
Sari Yuniarti, Sugeng Haryanto
Options for women to become legislative candidates for political parties
DOI : 10.26905/jp.v17i2.7000
Moerti Hadiati
Bambang Nurdewanto
Portrait of women workers of apple orchards: A study on the "triple role" and "family decision making role" of women workers of an apple orchard in Poncokusumo District, Malang Regency
DOI : 10.26905/jp.v17i2.7004
Budhy Prianto, Alifiulahtin Utaminingsih
F. Agus Priambodo
A conceptual study on the use of space for domestic activities and productive activities in household-based businesses
DOI : 10.26905/jp.v17i2.7005
Pindo Tutuko
The role of the Manpower and Transmigration Office in supervising Manpower Service Companies (PJTKI) in sending Indonesian Migrant Workers (TKI) abroad
DOI : 10.26905/jp.v17i2.7006
Ketut Meta