Training on the utilization of purun straw dryer in Tumbang Nusa Village, Pulang Pisau Regency
Appropriate technology, Drying equipment, KUB Nusa Sehati, Purun strawsAbstract
Tumbang Nusa Village, located in Central Kalimantan, has natural resources in the form of purun plants, which can be utilized as raw materials for environmentally friendly products, one of which is purun straw. However, the traditional drying process produces inconsistent product quality and low productivity. This community service program aims to empower the Nusa Sehati Joint Business Group (KUB) by introducing appropriate technology as a purun straw dryer. The program consists of several stages, including problem identification, community service preparation, socialization, demonstration, and evaluation of the purun straw dryer’s usage. The activity resulted in a significant increase in both production efficiency and product quality. The drying time, which initially took 3-4 days, was reduced to just 40 minutes, and the quality of the purun straws became more consistent, with each straw losing 22 percent of its mass during drying. Evaluation results from pre-test and post-test assessments revealed a significant increase in participants’ understanding. Before the training, 80 percent of participants were aware of this technology, but only 53 percent had used it. After the training, 93 percent of participants stated that the technology was effective, and 100 percent reported improvements in the quality of purun straws. These results demonstrate the program’s success in enhancing knowledge and productivity.
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