- Regarding the results of the Period III 2022 Accreditation of Scientific Journals and the issuance of the Director General of Higher Education, Research, and Technology Decree No. 225 / E / KPT / 2022, dated December 7, 2022, concerning the Ranking of Accreditation of Scientific Journals for Period III 2022, JTMI: Journal of Technology and Informatics Management has been Reaccredited and has moved up from Rank 5 to Rank 3 starting from Volume 8 Number 1 in 2022 to Volume 12 Number 2 in 2026 with EISSN: 25808044.
- Starting from Volume 9 Number 1 in 2023, there will be a change in which the language used for layout is in English. Initial submissions are allowed to be in Indonesian, and during the layout process, it will be changed to English.
- Starting from Volume 9 Number 1 in 2023, the Journal will be Published in June and December. Additionally, there is a change in the publishing fee, which is now Rp 1,000,000.