Klasifikasi Daun Herbal Menggunakan K-Nearest Neighbor dan Convolutional Neural Network dengan Ekstraksi Fourier Descriptor
Fourier Descriptor, KNN, CNN, Herbal LeavesAbstract
The number of herbal plants in Indonesia is 30,000, but only about 1,200 plants are used in medicine. The large number of herbal plants makes it difficult for people to distinguish one type of herbal plant from another. From these conditions, this research has conducted tests to compare the performance of the K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) and Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) methods using Fourier Descriptor (FD) feature extraction on herbal plants, namely moringa (moringa oleifera) and katuk (sauropus androgynus). The amount of data used is 480 data using image conditions, namely dark and light images which are then divided into 20% testing data and 80% training data. Classification is done using the KNN method using 5 distance calculations (Euclidean, Chebyshev, Manhattan, Minkowski, and Hamming) and CNN with FD feature extraction. From the tests that have been carried out, it is found that the use of FD feature extraction for the KNN method produces the best performance on both light and dark image data. While the use of the CNN method, for dark image data, the best accuracy results are obtained with FD feature extraction and CNN. Meanwhile, for bright image data, the best performance accuracy results are obtained in the CNN method without going through feature extraction. Of these three methods, using FD and KNN feature extraction is more recommended because it produces 100% accuracy in moringa and katuk images with light and dark intensity.
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