Detection of Militia Object in Libya by Using YOLO Transfer Learning


  • Yosi Kristian Institut Sains dan Teknologi Terpadu Surabaya Indonesia
  • Hatem Alsadeg Ali Salim Institut Sains dan Teknologi Terpadu Surabaya Indonesia
  • Endang Setyati Institut Sains dan Teknologi Terpadu Surabaya Indonesia



YOLO, Darknet, Tensorflow, Militia


Humans can recognize and classify shapes, names, and provide responses to object that are received by visually quickly and accurately. More importantly, it is expected that the system created is able to help provide response in all tasks and time, for example when driving, walking in the crowd even when patrolling as a member of the military on dangerous terrain.This has become a problem in the system used on the battlefield. In the proposed system, the object detection model must be able to sort out the objects of armed humans (militia) with unarmed human objects. To overcome the problem the author uses the YOLO transfer learning algorithm which currently has the third version. It is stated that YOLOv3 has very extreme speed and accuracy. In mean Average Precision (mAP) obtained by 0.5 IOU, YOLOv3 is equivalent to 4x faster than Focal Loss. Moreover, YOLOv3 also offers optimal speed and accuracy simply by changing the size of the model, without the need for retraining.




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