Perancangan Aplikasi Sistem Informasi Distribusi Bantuan Bencana Alam dengan Memanfaatkan Metode Rational Unified Process

Saepul Zaman


Sukabumi Regency is a disaster-prone area with a high death toll compared to other areas, so there is often a commotion caused by the struggle for disaster aid. The information system used to assist the distribution of aid has not fully synergized with the development of information technology. To realize efficiency and effectiveness in logistics distribution, it is necessary to update information systems that can support the distribution of logistics assistance quickly, precisely, and as needed. Therefore, this study aims to design an information system application for the distribution of natural disaster assistance by utilizing a rational unified process that can provide solutions to problems that occur in the field, so that disaster victims will more easily get the information they need, and the distribution of aid from PMI can be accepted more easily. quickly by disaster victims.


Information Systems; Natural disasters; Logistics.

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