Studi Literature Analisis Potensi Pasar Marketplace terhadap Penjualan


  • Sya Roni Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang
  • Cahyo Crysdian



KNN, C4.5, Marketplace, Produk


Marketplace allows Customer to Customer (C2C) transactions between consumers without being bound by place and time. This change also occurs in human spending habits. So it becomes an opportunity for sellers to market their wares. In facing market competition, business people also need analysis to find out what products are selling best. However, there are many factors that affect the complexity of the marketplace in Indonesia. Then a classification-based simulation using KNN and C4.5 is needed, where the weight of each sales product group affects market potential so that it benefits sellers to choose which marketplace is suitable for the goods to be sold. So it can be concluded that (1). Factors that influence the complexity of marketplaces in Indonesia are price, number of sales, discounts, ratings and reviews. (2). The most optimal method used for analysis of sales market potential is K-Nearest Neighbor and C4.5.


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