The Differences in Factors Affecting Auditor Switching in Indonesia and Malaysia

Retna Safriliana, Yuval Uzzah Takhta Persada


The purpose of this study was to determine differences in the factors that influence auditor switching in Indonesia and Malaysia. Auditor switching is a way by the government to maintain auditor independence, which is regulated by the Republic of Indonesia's Minister of Finance Regulation Number 20 of 2015 concerning the Practice of Public Accountants, while in Malaysia is regulated by the Malaysian Accountant Institute. The variables used in this study are management change, audit opinion, financial distress and company size. The data is used in secondary data manufacturing companies in Indonesia and Malaysia that obtained from Osiris, with a purposive sampling technique method. So, that a sample of 81 manufacturing companies in Indonesia and 131 companies in Malaysia were obtained in 2017. The data analysis technique used was logistic regression analysis, because measurement of auditor switching was dummy variable. The results of this analysis, The variables that influence auditor switching in Malaysia are management change and audit opinion that influence auditor switching, while financial distress and company size have no effect on auditor switching. The variables that influence auditor switching in Indonesia are financial distress, while the management change variables, audit opinions, and company size have no effect on the auditor switching



Auditor switching, Audit Opinion, Financial Distress, and Management Change

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