Contribution to the Management Results of Jodipan Colorful Tourism Village, Malang City

Achmad Fatchur Rohman, Sulismadi Sulismadi, Luluk Dwi Kumalasari, Mukhammad Handy Dwi Wijaya


Colorful Tourism Village is located in Jodipan Village, Blimbing District, Malang City. Kampung Jodipan consisting of RT 06, 07, 09 RW 02, is a slum village created on 4 September 2016 due to KKN students at Muhammadiyah Malang University, a Tourism Village with economic value for the surrounding Community. This research uses a qualitative approach with a case study type of research. The selection of subjects in the research used a purposive sampling technique. The data collection methods used start from observation, interviews and documentation. Based on reality data in the field and theoretical analysis using social action from Max Weber, what is the process carried out in carrying out management starting from who is involved, what form of contribution, and the form of management. Contributions from this management are collected to the management for the needs of the people of Jodipan CTV, Malang City, one of which is in the form of manager's salary, health, care, compensation for orphans, compensation for people who die, compensation for old widows, distribution of basic necessities. The results of the research can be concluded regarding the contribution of the management of the CTV in Malang City in the field of improving the community's economy, where with the existence of the CTV, many people who were previously unemployed become more numerous. Now he has opened his own business, selling food and drinks, selling tickets, and also being a parking attendant.


Contribution, Colorful Village, Economy

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