Evaluation analysis of electronic governance in the Malang City communication and information service
Electronic Governance, Sambat Online, Service EvaluationAbstract
An innovative public service system can certainly produce more conduciveconditions and foster and develop creativity in the management of serviceunits and government institutions. This article identifies problems or obstaclesthat may occur in electronic governance services at the Malang City Diskominfo,especially on the Sambat Online website. By evaluating the quality and effectiveness of existing services, corrective and enhancing steps can be taken toensure that these electronic services truly provide benefits to the people ofMalang City. This article focuses on the evaluation analysis of Electronic Governance services carried out at the Malang City Communication and Information Service (Diskominfo) using descriptive qualitative research methods. Then the data collection technique was carried out by observation and distributingquestionnaires via Google Forms. The result of this article is that the SambatOnline website service mechanism itself makes it easier for people to makecomplaints online. The service in responding to complaints from the people ofMalang City is in web form (sambat.malangkota.go.id) via SMS, website andAndroid. The supporting factors for managing online sambat in responding tocomplaints from the people of Malang City are the available budget, supporting facilities and infrastructure. Meanwhile, the inhibiting factors for onlinesambat management in responding to complaints from the people of MalangCity are the lack of super admin in the Malang City communications andinformation services department, budgets that have not been allocated to eachregional apparatus and frequent rollovers in the distribution of employeeswithin the Malang City Government.References
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