Genre preferences in Reading Comprehension materials in first level English book of Senior High School


  • Heldina Irawati Panjaitan University Of Prima Indonesia
  • Nofita Romianna Togatorop University of Prima Indonesia
  • Erikson Saragih University of Prima Indonesia



Genre preference, reading comprehension, qualitative


This study aimed to know genre preferences in the reading comprehension material in first level English book of senior high school. This study, which is employed a qualitative-narrative technique with no statistical analysis, described some material for reading comprehension material, such as descriptive text, narrative text, and recount text. This study revealed that the reading comprehension materials in first level English book of senior high school was presented into ten reading comprehension materials. Such as: self-introduction, expression of compliment, plans and intention, descriptive text I and II, announcement, past and present prefect tense, recount text, narrative text, and song. It also revealed that genre preferences in the reading comprehension materials in first level English book senior high school was presented into three genre preferences: descriptive text, recount text, and narrative text.



Author Biographies

Heldina Irawati Panjaitan, University Of Prima Indonesia

English Education Department

Nofita Romianna Togatorop, University of Prima Indonesia

English Education Department

Erikson Saragih, University of Prima Indonesia

English Education Department


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How to Cite

Panjaitan, H. I., Togatorop, N. R., & Saragih, E. (2019). Genre preferences in Reading Comprehension materials in first level English book of Senior High School. EnJourMe (English Journal of Merdeka) : Culture, Language, and Teaching of English, 4(2), 63–69.