Figurative language in a translated children’s novel


  • Lismalinda Lismalinda Iskandarmuda University
  • Nyak Mutia Ismail Syiah Kuala University



children’s literature, children’s novel, translation, figurative languages, and extensive reading.


There are a lot of forms of entertainment sources, one of them is prose or novel. Apparently, novels are interesting for children, too; and these days, many of these reading forms have also been translated from other languages. This study aimed at investigating the figurative languages used in a translated children’s novel. A qualitative research approach was employed in carrying out this research. The data were collected through the process of documentation from a novel originally written by Birsen Ekim Ozen and translated by Djoko Lelono. The original title of this novel was Shirin: How I became Famous. After the data were collected, a three-steps analysis was used in analyzing the data. From the result, it was obtained that the most common occurrences of figurative language is personification which is 35.5%, then it is hyperbole and simile which both consist of 29.4%, and metaphor happens the least frequently which is only 5.9%. it can be concluded that the minor use of figurative language in children’s literature is seen as a decent choice because children need a context that is easy to interpret.


DOI: 10.26905/enjourme.v4i2.4698


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How to Cite

Lismalinda, L., & Ismail, N. M. (2020). Figurative language in a translated children’s novel. EnJourMe (English Journal of Merdeka) : Culture, Language, and Teaching of English, 5(2), 125–133.