Urgency of an Integrated Justice System in Restorative Justice Regulations: Solutions to Prison Overcapacity
Restorative Justice, Integrated Justice System, Prison Overcapacity.Abstract
The overcapacity of prison in Indonesia has been a problem in Indonesia’s law system. Restorative Justice is one of the solutions that the law maker and officers in the law system offer to the society. Ironically, restorative justice has not been regulated properly in the criminal procedural law but only in the law No. 11 of 2012 about Juvenile Justice System. The application in general is regulated seperately by three different legal subsystems, namely Police, Prosecutor, and Supreme Court. The unharmony of the regulation without a standing regulation shows the absent of the certainty of law. This paper will use normative legal research with statutory and conceptual approach to analyze current regulation and legal vacuum (rechts vacuum) in restorative justice as part of criminal procedural law. The urgency of regulation of restorative justice as legal substance will also provide integrated system for the legal structure and finally establish restorative justice as part of legal culture in Indonesia.
How to cite item: Jennifer, Jennifer, Barry Kinasta, and Benedict Matteew. “Urgency of an Integrated Justice System in Restorative Justice Regulations: Solutions to Prison Overcapacity†Jurnal Cakrawala Hukum 14 no. 3 (2023): 291-300. DOI: 10.26905/idjch.v14i3.11312.
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