Access to Justice in Water Rights: Balancing Social and Economic Value of Water Resources


  • Ronny Winarno Universitas Merdeka Pasuruan
  • Yudhia Ismail Universitas Merdeka Pasuruan
  • Vita Fibriyani Universitas Merdeka Pasuruan



Access to Justice, Water Right, Social and Economic Value, Water Resources


Indonesia is a country with a significant water resource (incredibly raw water). When compared to ASEAN countries, the amount of raw water in Indonesia ranks first. However, the fulfillment of the right to water (raw water) for community needs is still very weak. If analyzed, one of the factors is the imbalance between the social value and economic value of water resources. Water resources, which are now a commodity, experience a lot of exploitation, which is detrimental to society. The urgency of this research is to provide a strategy and model for balancing the social and economic value of water resources, which is currently unclear. Based on the theory of justice, green economy, and resource-based theory, it is directed to fulfill the research objectives. Firstly, the strategy is to fulfill the right to water for the community equitably based on the green economy. Second, the balance between social and economic values is contained in water resources so as to fulfill the right to water equitably within the framework of the green economy. Therefore, the balance model between the social value and economic value of water resources is carried out based on the principle of green economy. Produce outputs in the form of policies/regulations that still pay attention to the needs of water rights but also control the utilization of water for commercial purposes.


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How to Cite

Winarno, Ronny, Yudhia Ismail, and Vita Fibriyani. 2024. “Access to Justice in Water Rights: Balancing Social and Economic Value of Water Resources”. Jurnal Cakrawala Hukum 15 (3):265-76.