I Gusti Putu Arya Gunawan


This writing aims to analyze the cooperation agreement of Ulun Danu Beratan tourism management between the Local Government of Tabanan Regency with Pakraman Candi Kuning Village. With the formulation of issues such as whether the form of cooperation agreement has met the requirements of the agreement law, and Why cooperation agreements reflect more justice than the cooperation agreement of tourism management Tanah Lot. The research method used is the normative legal method, the approach used is the approach of legislation and concept approach. The results of this study note that the agreement is in accordance with the requirements of the validity of an agreement and in accordance with Government Regulation No. 50 of 2007 on Procedures Implementation of Regional Cooperation. While the form of the agreement is made with the agreement under the hands. The cooperation agreement is contradictory to Article 179 paragraph (4) of Regulation of the Minister of Home Affairs Number 19 of 2016 concerning Guidance on Management of Regional Property, the cooperation agreement must be made by notarial deed, so that the cooperation agreement has strong evidentiary power in case of dispute in court and the agreement reflects justice compared to the
Tanah Lot tourism cooperation agreement.




Cooperation Agreement, Justice, Tourism Management.

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