Authority, Notary, Responsibility, Strength of Proof.Abstract
The authority and responsibility of the notary on the deed of Statement of Meeting Decision and to analyze the strength of notary proof of the deed of Statement of Meeting Decision. The method used in this research is normative law research with approach method of legislation. The primary, secondary and tertiary law materials obtained by the authors will be analyzed by using literature techniques using grammatical and logical legal interpretations. The result of research with the above method indicates that Notary of Notary's responsibility to Statement of Meeting Decision is only responsible only for formal truth, while the truth of the contents of the deed is the responsibility of the parties to the notary because the notary does not know and attend the meeting. The Declaration of Decision of the Meeting includes the evidence of letters and including the "Partij Deed" category made by the general officers appointed by oath and against the verification otherwise able to be challenged, without accusing his falsehood, by stating that the statements of the parties concerned are described in full in the deed, but the information is false, meaning that the information given is permitted otherwise.
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