
  • August Hadiwijono University of Merdeka Malang



Pancasila, Student, Education


This study attempts to analyze the meaning of Pancasila for students and went to analyze Pancasila’s way on
campus. The research is normative research. Development and education of Pancasila need to be done by a college
in order to preserve Pancasila values and planting positive values, contained in it for the young generation
especially students the student who have important and vital. In addition to Pancasila as an ideology and
personality of the country. Pancasila as a view of life nations must be from early introduced and taught to
communities Indonesia including college. As forming the intellectual ethical lordship and humanity. The Pancasila
personality must be personality the youth particularly university students who became generation education.
Through education of Pancasila, students will be human first, before entering the lecture which learned. As a
citizen of Indonesia who excels in knowledge mastery, but not lost their identity and not drawn from the root
culture her people and his faith. In addition, it can form personally good in social norms and had good in order to
become very good citizens for themselves, others and this person in daily life. I have values Pancasila in students we
can do it in on several, that is an education channel and the organization and message objectively and subjectively. If the values of Pancasila embedded with both in each individual student will be created Pancasila student
who understands norms. Pancasila implementation in life on campus was very important it is for the sake of
advance college to campus can produce graduates Pancasila students cannot be built by the people of Indonesia.

Author Biography

August Hadiwijono, University of Merdeka Malang

lecturer of Law Faculty of University Merdeka Malang - now



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