
  • Supriyadi Supriyadi University of Merdeka Malang



Regional Regulation, Regional Autonomy, Judicial Review


Regional Regulation as one of law regulation product is an instrument for regulating government matters that
include in regional autonomy matters. Especially for Municipal or City Law Regulation, regulating authority
is held on Municipal or City House of Representatives and its leader. Normatively, the existence of Municipal
or City Regulation is formed to regulate about the providence government business that includes in regional
autonomy, despite from expose the higher law regulation and regulate the unique character of the region that
depends on law and norms. The enforcement of the legal regulation is expected to be mean to perceive national
policy and government development program in order to reach national goal. Practically, it is not close
chances that the legal regulation from regional formed is not relevant to the natiional goal. When that happened,
Ministry of Domestic Affair and Governor can directly cancel the irrelevant law regulation unless Constitutional Court cancels that authority, the Central government no longer has authority to cancel it. It has to be done
by an assessment through Judicial Review under Supreme Court. This condition could be an obstacle in development accelerate, especially in economic sector in term of creating business and investment in the regional area.

Author Biography

Supriyadi Supriyadi, University of Merdeka Malang

lecturer of Law Faculty of University Merdeka Malang - Now



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How to Cite

Supriyadi, Supriyadi. 2016. “PERATURAN DAERAH, ANTARA KEPENTINGAN PEMERINTAH PUSAT DAN PEMERINTAH DAERAH”. Jurnal Cakrawala Hukum 7 (1):135–146.




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