Ekonomi Indonesia dalam perspektif hukum berkeadilan
Ekonomi, Keadilan Sosial, PancasilaAbstract
Indonesia’s development is an effort continuous projects in an effort to create anindonesian society just and prosperous based on pancasila and constitution of therepublic of indonesia 1945.Pancasila come fifth “social justice for all people ofindonesia†is soul philosophical of article 33 constitution nri 1945.Is the principlethat strong hold by come fifth pancasila related to the concept of justice in to createa prosperous for all people of indonesia. Meanwhile in the article 33 of the indonesianconstitution nri 1945 of the republic of indonesia have arranged for about of thenational economy system and social welfare .Turn of thought and is ideas come through me from the founders of the nation in article 33 is close they can tracedthrough the study of judicial political .The most number of pancasila economic is asystem a different economy with sitem a capitalist economy .The economic system isthe most number of pancasila the economic system of being imbued by the ideologyof the most number of pancasila , i e the system degenerative brain malady that iseconomic joint business that evenly distributed the kinsfolk and mutual cooperationnational level to social realize the manifestation of justice for all people of Indonesia.
How to cite item: Nurita, R., & Hidayat, L. (2020). Ekonomi Indonesia dalam perspektif hukum berkeadilan. Jurnal Cakrawala Hukum, 11(3).259-270. doi:10.26905/idjch.v11i3.5474.
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