Landreform, Perilaku Pragmatisme, Reformasi AgrariaAbstract
An idea about agrarian reform was stated againin all over the world. This phenomenon was followed by various studies about the model and the concept of agrarian reform and even it became the agendaofsome international organizations, state governmentand various social organizations in rural areas in developed countries. Ups and downs of the agrarian reform program that the core was on the landreformin Indonesia was done without something special and clear target although the strong will of the founding fathers hadbeen formulated clearly in both the constitution and UUPA. Essentially in both principle norms there was an effort to form life and structure in a society, nation, and country more fairly. The factors which influenced the policy inconsistency, considering the agrarian reform, were not only dealing with social-economy, but it also had an ideological background. The main design of the agrarian reform was not enough to be formed by the law and political actors, but it was also done by economy actors and it even had to involve people organization proportionally, mainly to avoid the pragmatism behavior.
Gagasan mengenai penataan struktur agraria atau agrarian reform bergulir kembali ke permukaan di berbagai belahan dunia. Fenomena tersebut diikuti berbagai studi tentang model dan konsep reforma agraria bahkan sudah menjadi agenda dari berbagai badan internasional, pemerintahan negara maupun berbagai gerakan organisasi sosial pedesaan di negara-negara berkembang. Pasang-surut program reforma agraria yang berintikan pada landreform di Indonesia berjalan tanpa greget dan sasaran jelas, sekalipun tekad dari para the founding fathers sudah terumus dengan jelas di dalam konstitusi maupun UUPA. Secaca esensiil di dalam kedua norma dasar itu terkandung suatu upaya untuk menata kehidupan dan struktur bermasyarakat, berbangsa dan bernegara secara lebih adil. Faktor yang mempengaruhi inkonsistensi kebijakan tersebut, mengingat reforma agraria tidak saja merupakan hal-hal yang bertalian dengan sosial-ekonomi semata, namun juga memiliki latar ideologis. Desain pokok pembaruan agraria memang tidak cukup dirancang para aktor politik dan hukum, tetapi juga pelaku ekonomi dan bahkan harus melibatkan organisasi rakyat secara proporsional, utamanya untuk menghindari perilaku pragmatism.
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