Analisis hukum terhadap peran Syahbandar dalam pengawasan evakuasi kapal kandas di perairan laut

Irvan Hidayatulloh, Zuhdi Arman


This writing aims to oversee the role of the harbormaster institution in supervising the evacuation of ships, obstacles, and the efforts of the harbormaster in evacuating an aground ship. This type of legal research is divided into 2 (two), namely normative legal research and empirical or sociological legal research. The type of legal research used by researchers is empirical legal research which is based on field data. The data interview technique was carried out by researchers with interviews, namely the process of interaction and communication directly in the research location with the resource persons who will be interviewed by prospective researchers are Awareness Instation Workers. The results of the study show that talking about ships aground at sea has occurred a lot in the Batam sea where fast action is needed because of the people and the large costs available for the damage to the ship. Seeing the case above, the actions of the harbormaster when evacuating a ship that ran aground at the Batam sea were in accordance with law no 18 of 2008 concerning ships and PM 71 of 2013 concerning Salvage / Underwater Work, such as the initial action when there was a report made by VTS when the ship ran aground, when asking ship documents, ask for general documents of agents, local agents and supervision when the ship runs aground as well as supervision when the ship is taking place.

How to cite item: 

Hidayatulloh, I., & Arman, Z. (2022). Analisis hukum terhadap peran Syahbandar dalam pengawasan evakuasi kapal kandas di perairan laut. Jurnal Cakrawala Hukum, 13(1), 20-28. DOI:


Harbormaster institution; Supervision; Ship Evacuation; Obstacles; Efforts.

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