Vol. 11 No. 2 (2023): December (2023)
The Effect of Harmonious Passion on Work Satisfaction and Life Satisfaction through Work-Life Enrichment Among Entrepreneurs
Abstract views: 23,
PDF downloads: 12
Culture and Entrepreneurial Orientation in Generation Z with Gender as a Mediating Variable
Abstract views: 24,
PDF downloads: 28
Path Analysis of the Work Environment and Motivation on Loyalty with Job Satisfaction as Intervening Variables
Abstract views: 40,
PDF downloads: 17
The Utilization of Digital Marketing and Entrepreneurial Skills in Enhancing Business Success for MSMEs in Bogor City
Abstract views: 27,
PDF downloads: 18
The Mediating Role of Consumer Trust in Influencing Student Orientation to Invest Using Ajaib App: A Framework Based on SEM-PLS
Abstract views: 16,
PDF downloads: 12
The Influence of Leadership Development on Civil Servants Performance through Work Motivation
Abstract views: 29,
PDF downloads: 21
Locus of Control Mediates Financial Attitudes, Knowledge, and Income effects on Millenial Financial Management Behavior in DKI Jakarta
Abstract views: 35,
PDF downloads: 19
The Effect of Information Quality, Quantity, Credibility, Usefulness, and Adoption on Purchase Intention of Kahf Skincare at Shopee
Abstract views: 67,
PDF downloads: 92
Effect of Stock Split on Abnormal Return, Trading Volume Activity, Stock Price, Bid-Ask Spread, and Systematic Risk of Companies
Abstract views: 29,
PDF downloads: 31
Psychological Welfare on Organizational Commitment in Insurance Agents through Turnover Intention
Abstract views: 17,
PDF downloads: 15
The Influence of Social Comparison Orientation on Attitudinal Loyalty, Brand Happiness, and Willingness to Purchase a Masstige Brand
Abstract views: 27,
PDF downloads: 15