Local Potential Development Model Based on Communal Intellectual Property in Serang District


  • Inge Dwisvimiar University of Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa
  • Rully Syahrul Mucharom University of Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa




Development Model, Communal Intellectual Property, Serang District


This article reviews Minister of Home Affairs Regulation Number 9 of 2014 concerning Guidelines for Development of Regional Featured Products, Law Number 28 of 2014 on Copyright, and Law Number 5 of 2017 on Advancement of Culture. It also discusses and analyses the distribution and model of developing local regional potential based on Communal Intellectual Property in Serang Regency. The article's aim is to ascertain how Serang Regency's local regional potential is distributed across its products and culture, as well as to outline and identify a development model that Serang Regency's local regional potential can apply to the region's intellectual property. The article employs a socio-legal research methodology along with a qualitative method. Analysis and discussion around the allocation of local and regional. With an emphasis on Golok Seuat, Silat Bandrong, and Rudat, the analysis and discussion of the distribution of local regional potential based on communal intellectual property, including products and culture, is highly varied. Golok Seuat is widely distributed and has a fairly even distribution, but Rudat and Silat Bandrong are not uniformly distributed for a variety of reasons. While Silat Bandrong and Rudat have been inventoried, secured, and published, the development approach employed in Golok Seuat is based on regional superior product with a core competency model with improved attractiveness and promotion.


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How to Cite

Dwisvimiar, I., & Mucharom, R. S. (2025). Local Potential Development Model Based on Communal Intellectual Property in Serang District. Jurnal Cakrawala Hukum, 15(2). https://doi.org/10.26905/idjch.v15i2.14632

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