Kajian komparatif lembaga penolakan waris dalam perspektif hukum waris adat dan Islam
Inheritance, Inheritance Rejection, Adat Inheritance Law, Islamic Inheritance Law.Abstract
Inheritance legal system in Indonesia has legal problems with the absence of an institution that rejects inheritance for the Adat and Islamic inheritance law system. Presently, the institution of inheritance rejection is only known in civil inheritance law system, whereas in the Adat nor Islamic inheritance law system is unfamiliar with this term. Inheritance is a right, rights that belongs to the heir, giving the free will either to accept or reject an inheritance bestowen to the heir which no one can instinctively regulate an individual to accept, use, or reject an inheritance. The purpose of this research is to find solution on antinomy that occurs in Inheritance Rejection on Adat and Islamic Inheritance Law as compared to Inheritance Rejection in civil inheritance law which use research methods through statute approach and conceptual approach. Indonesia Inheritance Rejection arise an issue as the heir who wants to reject the transfer of property through inheritance is unable to do so because there are no legal instruments that accommodate the Inheritance Rejection. Inheritance Rejection only known in civil inheritance law regulated in BW however it’s not yet or even unknown in Adat and Islam Inheritance Law.
How to cite item: Moechtar, O., Valentino, B., & Wahono, D. (2020). Kajian komparatif lembaga penolakan waris dalam perspektif hukum waris adat dan Islam. Jurnal Cakrawala Hukum, 11(3). 291-301.doi:10.26905/idjch.v11i3.42.
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