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Vol 9, No 1 (2024): February 2024 Developing community technology: A profile website for SDI Miftahus Sholihin Abstract   PDF
Hendro Priyatman, Seno Darmawan Panjaitan, Hilda Hilda, Eka Kusumawardhani, Leonardus Sandy Ade Putra
Vol 9, No 2 (2024): May 2024 Developing entrepreneurial mindset through financial literacy training for educators and parents at adventure school Abstract   PDF
Andriati Fitriningrum, Andrey Hasiholan Pulungan, Ni Ketut Cahya Deta Saraswati, Samuel Reza Surjadi
Vol 7, No 3 (2022): August 2022 Development of e-commerce applications and integration into the marketplace to support MSME product sales Abstract   PDF
Sinung Suakanto, Rokhman Fauzi, Rachmadita Andreswari, Margareta Hardiyanti, Widyatasya Agustika Nurtrisha
Vol 8, No 3 (2023): August 2023 Development of MSME potential through branding and digital marketing Abstract   PDF
Muhammad Eko Atmojo, Gerry Katon Mahendra, Vicky Alfitra Perdana
Vol 7, No 4 (2022): November 2022 Diabetic foot exercise training for diabetes mellitus patients to control blood glucose during the COVID-19 pandemic Abstract   PDF
Arina Qona'ah, Anestasia Pangestu Mei Tyas, Andri Setiya Wahyudi, Amellia Mardhika
Vol 6, No 4 (2021): November 2021 Dissemination of nutrition and healthy diet in the era of the COVID-19 pandemic Abstract   PDF
Dhian Kartikasari, Lucky Radita Alma, Septa Katmawanti, Nurnaningsih Herya Ulfah, Indana Tri Rahmawati, Nugraheni Puji Lestari, Endah Retnani Wismaningsih
Vol 9, No 2 (2024): May 2024 Drug and cosmetic safety training for cadres of family welfare program Abstract   PDF
Tristiana Erawati, Dewi Melani Hariyadi, Noorma Rosita, Widji Soeratri, Tutiek Purwanti, Hadi Poerwono, Marcellino Rudyanto, Helmy Yusuf, Djoko Agus Purwanto, I Nyoman Wijaya
Vol 8, No 3 (2023): August 2023 Educating dengue hemorrhagic fever to Jumantik Cadres using mobile application for mosquito nest eradication Abstract   PDF
Kholis Ernawati, Indah Kurnianingsih, Nurmaya Nurmaya, Muhamad Fathurahman, Muchamad Rinaldy, Keysha Farach Dwikhanza, Putri Alfira, Salsabila Azmi Qatrunnada, Rifda Wulansari
Vol 8, No 2 (2023): May 2023 Education and assistance in hydroponic plant cultivation for strengthening the self-reliant economy Abstract   PDF
Septi Budi Sartika, Chandrika Rahmania Cahyani
Vol 9, No 2 (2024): May 2024 Education and nutrition intervention to mitigate stunting in Cisaranten Wetan, Cinambo District, Bandung Abstract   PDF
Dewi Astriany, Adang Firmansyah, Pupung Ismayadi, Iffa Risfayanti, Rizki Amaludin Mutaqin, Sani Nurlaela Fitriansyah
Vol 7, No 2 (2022): May 2022 Education and training for strengthening school principals through an online mode approach in Lampung Utara District Abstract   PDF
Endi Rochaendi, Andi Wahyudi, Kana Safrina Rouzi, An-Nisa Apriani, Indah Perdana Sari, Dyahsih Alin Sholihah, Mufida Awalia Putri
Vol 7, No 4 (2022): November 2022 Education and training to build awareness of organizational diversity in senior high school teachers Abstract   PDF
Hana Panggabean, Juliana Murniati
Vol 9, No 1 (2024): February 2024 Education for pregnant women in increasing knowledge about childbirth preparation Abstract   PDF
Hartatiek Nila Karmila, Mery Susantri, Nathalya Dwi Kartika Sari, Ika Mardiyanti, Aizah Ari Setyana Yuli
Vol 7, No 1 (2022): February 2022 Education on making natural herbal soap made from waste cooking oil Abstract   PDF
Rahma Diyan Martha, Ika Rachutami, Danar Danar
Vol 7, No 1 (2022): February 2022 Education on popular diseases to improve the quality of life for the people of Landungsari Village, Malang Regency Abstract   PDF
Arif Kusuma Firdaus, Ahmad Rizki Maulana, Fatita Rachma Laudira, Novitasari Agus Saputri, Ulya Zhafirah Wardah
Vol 6, No 2 (2021): May 2021 Edukasi Budidaya Sayuran dan Bunga Hias Organik pada Yayasan “Cahaya Alam” Desa Kucur Kota Malang Abstract   PDF
Eny Dyah Yuniwati, Umi Afdah
Vol 6, No 2 (2021): May 2021 Edukasi dan Sosialisasi Pencegahan dan Pengendalian COVID-19 melalui Media Poster di Desa Bojongsoang, Kabupaten Bandung Abstract   PDF
Dino Caesaron, Sheila Amalia Salma, Murman Dwi Prasetio, Mohammad Husain Rifai
Fatmawati Fenti, Vina Vina, Dewi Dewi, Lenny Lenny, Ivan Ivan, Ira Ira
Vol 9, No 1 (2024): February 2024 Efforts to improve nutritional knowledge in adolescent girls through contemporary video-based education Abstract   PDF
Windi Indah Fajar Ningsih, Indah Purnama Sari, Feranita Utama
Vol 7, No 4 (2022): November 2022 Embedded system training based on Arduino to improve software programming knowledge for vocational students Abstract   PDF
Idris Winarno, Aliridho Barakbah, Dadet Pramadihanto, Wahjoe Tjatur Sesulihatien, Tri Harsono, Bima Sena Bayu Dewantara, Setiawardhana Setiawardhana, Arna Fariza, Iwan Syarif, Tessy Badriyah, Ilham Iskandariansyah, Puspasari Susanti
Vol 8, No 4 (2023): November 2023 Employee engagement driving program: Efforts to optimize employee performance Abstract   PDF
Pundani Eki Pratiwi, Siti Nuzulia, Bogy Febriatmoko, Pradipta Christy Pratiwi
Vol 9, No 2 (2024): May 2024 Empowering communities: Education for hypertension and diabetes prevention Abstract   PDF
Ratih Wirapuspita Wisnuwardani, Ayudhia Rachmawati, Akhmad Dzikri, Ika Wulan Sari
Vol 9, No 1 (2024): February 2024 Empowering local economic potential post COVID-19 pandemic Abstract   PDF
Siti Ridloah, Desti Ranihusna, Vini Wiratno Putri, Vitradesie Noekent, Nury Ariani Wulansari
Vol 7, No 2 (2022): May 2022 Empowering migrant groups to improve competitiveness of featured products in Kendalrejo Village, Banyuwangi Regency Abstract   PDF
Nuraini Lusi, Asmaul Khusna, Adetiya Prananda Putra, Wartini Wartini
Vol 8, No 2 (2023): May 2023 Empowering parents: Understanding adolescents' psychological development through the psychoeducation program "Mengenal Remajaku" Abstract   PDF
Fitri Ariyanti Abidin, Shally Novita, Kustimah Kustimah, Anggit Sukmawati, Syipa Fadilah
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