Vol. 9 No. 1 (2024): February 2024
Natural Science and Technology
Empowerment Posyandu cadres in the transfer of spinach-based technology for early stunting prevention
Abstract views: 24,
PDF downloads: 23
Microcontroller based food dehydrator for Rengginang crackers micro businesses in Prambontergayang Village, Tuban District
Abstract views: 36,
PDF downloads: 17
Application of appropriate technology for feed supplements in Sukanagalih Village, Tasikmalaya Regency
Abstract views: 20,
PDF downloads: 17
Assistance process blood cockle (Anadara granosa) based meatballs as local food to prevent anemia in adolescent girls
Abstract views: 22,
PDF downloads: 33
Empowerment and training in making herbal tea to utilize herbal plants and prevent degenerative diseases
Abstract views: 32,
PDF downloads: 23
Training hotel staff in early emergency management to enhance tourist comfort at Ubud Raya Resort area
Abstract views: 45,
PDF downloads: 38
Developing a profile website for mosque Qori and Imam as a medium for Da'wah
Abstract views: 22,
PDF downloads: 22
Empowering the Cipondok Village Community through sericulture cultivation and digital-based silk fabric weaving
Abstract views: 12,
PDF downloads: 16
Developing community technology: A profile website for SDI Miftahus Sholihin
Abstract views: 31,
PDF downloads: 19
Empowering women in Lunjuk Village through the creation of MSMEs ginger products
Abstract views: 27,
PDF downloads: 19
Education for pregnant women in increasing knowledge about childbirth preparation
Abstract views: 22,
PDF downloads: 15
Efforts to improve nutritional knowledge in adolescent girls through contemporary video-based education
Abstract views: 27,
PDF downloads: 25
Social and Humaniora
Improving parking attendants' competency to develop professional staff in the parking sector
Abstract views: 22,
PDF downloads: 23
Utilization of e-commerce to increase culinary business opportunities for rural communities
Abstract views: 29,
PDF downloads: 27
Psychoeducation program “Me and Marriage: Marriage with Preparation†as a prevention of early marriage
Abstract views: 22,
PDF downloads: 18
Instilling gender equality values as a formulation for preventing bullying behavior
Abstract views: 34,
PDF downloads: 30
Optimizing the performance of MSMEs through financial reporting training
Abstract views: 42,
PDF downloads: 39
Creative economy improvement: Optimizing tourism potential through institution linking and branding
Abstract views: 29,
PDF downloads: 20
Marketing training at the arts padepokan in order to develop an arts educational tourism destination
Abstract views: 20,
PDF downloads: 7